Studio Diary – Mid Summer

Well here we are nearly 18 months after the beginning of Covid lockdown and all the changes that life has presented over that time…….

Like most of you I have found it difficult but I am very lucky that my “go to place” when life gets tough is my pottery, where I can escape what’s going on and become absorbed in a new ceramic creation! Over the Winter I have focused on making new designs in both my garden and homeware ranges. I’ve expanded my Monochrome Home range, and it is being well received which is lovely.


This Summer ( unlike last), it is so lovely though to be back out there meeting you at events. I have chosen outdoor venues wherever possible, so that we all feel safe! So far these shows have been blessed with good weather.  I am enjoying my Sundays at Holt Sunday market in North Norfolk, and it is lovely to receive your complimentary comments about my work. If you live, or are taking a holiday in North Norfolk and haven’t visited yet do take a trip there. There’s a lovely selection of genuinely handcrafted goods, food stalls and music too…a great vibe!

The dates I am attending are listed on my  events page…..I am there another four or five times.


In between time in my studio, I am also tending my garden here. Everything seems very lush and green as we have had plenty of rain. It’s a shame that flowers are not as successful as usual but I reckon that’s due to the low light levels earlier in June. I grew quite a lot of annuals from seed in my new little glasshouse, but I’m afraid the slugs had a good feast in the Spring on many young plants and they are not the show that I had hoped for!! Hey! as we gardeners always say though……” there’s always next year!” 🙂

My next focus is to concentrate more on my garden range ready for Holkham Hall Plant Fair in September. This is a key event every year in my diary.( Dates/times can be found on the events page). I love chatting to the serious gardeners amongst you who come along to find unusual plants and accessories for your outdoor spaces.


The range of birdbaths that I made for the first time this Winter were all sold at my exhibition at West Acre gallery in June. I will be making some more ready for this show, and I intend to incorporate new surface textures. They are very time consuming  as each one uses about 12 to 14 kg of clay and I have to be feeling physically strong so they make a good challenge at lots of levels!


I look forward to seeing you soon, but don’t forget you can always visit my studio by appointment, or chose products from the website shop if you prefer.

Enjoy the Summer!

Dee 🙂